
Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

Fees that reflect the quality of care provided

Our clinic is committed to providing you with high-quality care to improve your oral health and restore the aesthetics of your smile.
We use all the modern resources at our disposal to treat you effectively. The fees applied take into account the techniques used and the level of complexity of the care provided.

The clinic is under agreement, and treatments listed in the social security nomenclature are reimbursed at 60% of the agreed tariff.

Certain treatments, such as dentures, dental implants or periodontal care, require more time, expertise and technical skills, and therefore call for additional fees.

If your treatment requires specific technologies or more elaborate materials, we will provide you with a treatment plan and a detailed estimate. Une mise en situation avec la pose de prothèses en résine peut également être proposée.
Les soins ne débutent qu’après avoir reçu votre accord.

Dr Diss - Chirurgien dentiste - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

For further information

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne Doctolib Dr Frédéric Suissa Dr Victor PICHON Dr Pierre Alban DISS
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