Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic
Endodontic treatment
You've just had a root canal. A small inflammatory reaction at the tip of the tooth is frequently encountered following this type of procedure, and manifests itself as pain when chewing. To manage the pain, follow your dentist's prescription:
Take an Ibuprofen-type painkiller: ADVIL 400 mg morning, noon and night for 3 days.
Eat preferably on the other side. Discomfort may persist for 48 to 72 hours.
Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic
Inlay or composite
You have just treated a cavity with an inlay or composite restoration. Following the removal of the caries, a reaction of the nerve is quite normal, and will result in discomfort when chewing or when cold food is eaten. Make sure you eat on the other side for a while, and don't eat food that's too cold.
The pain should subside quickly, and if it does, take a painkiller such as Ibuprofen, ADVIL 400 mg morning, noon and night for 3 days.

Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic
Fixed prosthesis
You've just had one or more crowns fitted. Sometimes patients experience discomfort on the day of fitting due to this new element in the mouth, with a feeling that the tooth is too long. The dentist has checked the occlusion beforehand, and the discomfort quickly disappears.
Removable prosthesis
You've just had a removable prosthesis fitted. The most frequently encountered episode is pain in an area where the appliance exerts too much pressure on the gums. The gums have to adapt to this new element. The dentist will see you again to check and adjust the appliance.