
Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic


Periodontology is the discipline that deals with the gums.
It involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. These diseases cause teeth to loosen and fall out in their most advanced stages.
Periodontology can also be used for aesthetic purposes, when a gum graft is needed to compensate for a gingival defect or recession.

Our clinic provides rigorous treatments to restore the periodontal health of your teeth.



Periodontitis, or tooth loosening, is a bacterial infection of the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
It destroys the tissues supporting the teeth, creating a pocket in which bacteria can accumulate.
At its most advanced stage, it leads to tooth loss. It affects 80% of the adult Western population, making it the most common chronic disease. Over 15% of sufferers have severe forms of the disease.


The different stages of periodontal disease

Main symptoms and warning signs: periodontal disease is associated with severe inflammation, and is therefore marked by red, swollen gums and bleeding when brushing. Other key symptoms include tooth loosening, mobility, displacement or the appearance of a gap between teeth. Bad taste and bad breath may also persist.

1. Gingivitis

Parodontite - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

To maintain healthy teeth, it's essential to keep your gums healthy too, and to remove subgingival tartar deposits.

2. Early periodontitis

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Untreated inflammation can cause lasting damage to your teeth. To prevent this from happening, we provide the right care to stop the process and keep your teeth healthy for the long term.

3. Moderate periodontitis

Parodontite - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

Periodontal disease, or periodontitis, is a bacterial infection characterized by gingival bleeding, gum retraction and bone loss around the tooth, which can lead to tooth mobility.

4. Advanced periodontitis

Parodontite - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

Plaque and tartar are the triggers of periodontal disease, since they support the bacteria that cause it.

Parodontologie - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

Gingival recession

Periodontal recession is a displacement of the gum leading to exposure of the underlying root.

Periodontal disease or traumatic brushing on thin periodontium can progressively uncover tooth roots.
The consequences: continuous loss of periodontal support, aesthetic discomfort and gum sensitivity.

The treatment

Plastic surgery to correct gum abnormalities. The dentist performs a gum graft to cover the exposed tooth root. The gingival graft is taken from the gum or palate and affixed to the exposed area.
Complete healing is achieved after a few weeks, or even months. Generally performed on the most visible teeth, this procedure produces a satisfactory aesthetic result.


Temporary cessation or reduction of tobacco consumption is a prerequisite for successful treatment.
Rigorous dental hygiene, particularly in the area where the graft is to be performed, is very important to ensure the success of the procedure.

For further information

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne Doctolib Dr Frédéric Suissa Dr Victor PICHON Dr Pierre Alban DISS
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