Inlay core

Inlay core - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8
Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

Inlay core

Inlay Core is used in the restoration of damaged teeth to consolidate the tooth before receiving a prosthesis (dental bridge or dental crown).
This is a piece of metal fixed into the roots of the tooth. Its upper part serves as a support for the prosthesis.

Dentists use Inlay Core when a conventional restoration is insufficient to accommodate the prosthesis or offer good mechanical resistance.

Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

The treatment

In the first session, the tooth is devitalised to prepare the root canals to receive the Inlay Core. Once it has been fitted, an impression is made to produce the future prosthesis. A provisional prosthesis is fitted.
At the second session, the definitive prosthesis is fitted and then fixed onto the Inlay Core.

Inlay Core is used to optimise the sealing of the canals and the junction between the root and the prosthesis. It offers excellent resistance to the pressure exerted by mastication.
What's more, a fixed crown can be replaced without damaging the Inlay Core.

Inlay core - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

For further information

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne Doctolib Dr Frédéric Suissa Dr Victor PICHON Dr Pierre Alban DISS
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