Endodontic treatment

Dr Suissa - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8
Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

Endodontic treatment

Endodontic treatment consists of treating a tooth root. As the aim of the Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic is to preserve the integrity of the pulp, root treatment is only carried out as a last resort.
It is performed when the tooth cannot be kept alive, either because it is already necrotic or because there is a risk that it may become so.
In our clinic, we use a mechanised technique (RECIPROC) to simplify treatment procedures and improve patient comfort.

Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

The treatment

Under local anaesthetic, the dentist creates an opening on the occlusal surface of the tooth and accesses and removes the pulp.
Using files and an antiseptic solution, he cleans and disinfects the pulp canals. Then, after drying, the roots are filled with a special paste.
The tooth is then restored, either with a coronal filling if it is not too badly damaged, or with a prosthesis (dental crown).

Endodontie - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

For further information

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne Doctolib Dr Frédéric Suissa Dr Victor PICHON Dr Pierre Alban DISS
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