Surgery and implants

Dr Diss - Chirurgien dentiste - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8
Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

Before your operation

Surgery is scheduled. Oral surgery is performed under local anaesthetic. They remain subject to the instructions for any surgical procedure. During your first consultation at the clinic, you will be given a confidential medical questionnaire. Please keep us informed of any medical changes concerning you. Make sure you have asked all the questions you feel are important. Make sure that the medicines prescribed do not interfere with your daily treatment. If necessary, contact your GP.

Pre-operative advice

You should not come on an empty stomach and reduce your alcohol intake the day before, the day of and the day after. Stop smoking 10 days before the operation. With the possible agreement of your GP, do not take aspirin 6 days before the operation. If you wear a removable appliance, do not apply glue on the morning of the operation. You must scrupulously respect the prescription given to you.


Please arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the operation. It is essential that you bring your latest X-rays, which are indispensable for the procedure. We would also ask you to bring your payment with you on the day of the operation.

Elysées Ponthieu Dental Clinic

After your operation

Post-operative instructions

To avoid complications and ensure good healing, it is recommended to :

  • Do not use mouthwash for 24 hours

  • Taking prescribed medication

  • Do not take aspirin for the next 2 days

  • Cut down on alcohol consumption the next day and refrain from smoking for 1 month

  • Do not engage in any significant physical activity

Dr Suissa - Chirurgien dentiste - Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu - Dentiste Paris 8

In case of pain

Pain may occur immediately after the operation or some time afterwards. It varies in intensity from person to person. Avoid taking aspirin and take the painkillers prescribed.
If the pain is intense and persists, contact the clinic.

In the event of bleeding

A small amount of bleeding may persist for a few hours, especially if a temporary prosthesis is placed immediately. Avoid mouthwash and any strong sucking movements or exploring the wound with your tongue.
If bleeding is significant, compress the wound with a sterile gauze pad for 30 minutes. If the bleeding persists despite these recommendations, contact the clinic.

Management of oedema

After surgery, oedema appears to a greater or lesser extent and more or less quickly, depending on the individual. It may appear on the day of the operation, sometimes the day after, and sometimes the day after that. This is completely normal.
You have been prescribed anti-inflammatory medication. Follow the prescription to limit the oedema as soon as you get home: apply a bladder of ice wrapped in a cloth to the part of the face facing the operation and keep it there for 30 minutes. Take it off for 10 minutes, then put it back on for 30 minutes. And so on, for 3 to 4 hours without interruption.

Oral hygiene

Do not use mouthwash on the day of the operation, and start only the following day, and very gently.
Brush your teeth and gums normally, except at the site of the surgery.

Power supply

For major operations, eat nutritious but soft foods (eggs, minced meat, pasta, purées, cheese and baby food) and avoid very hot liquids.

Pour plus d'informations

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne Doctolib Dr Frédéric Suissa Dr Victor PICHON Dr Pierre Alban DISS
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