Hygiene and asepsis
Rigorous hygiene and asepsis rules for your safety
To guarantee high-quality care in a safe environment for our patients, the Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu has implemented strict hygiene and equipment sterilization rules.
This is also an ethical and moral obligation for our medical team. We apply rigorous hygiene and asepsis procedures to every patient to eliminate any risk of contamination.
The clinic is divided into two distinct areas: the reception area, including the waiting room, and the treatment area, comprising 3 treatment rooms, a sterilization room, an X-ray examination room and an operating theatre.
Hygiene and asepsis
In the treatment room
The nursing staff wash their hands with antiseptic soap before and after treatment. They wear medical masks and gloves, which are discarded after each treatment. The treatment room is disinfected with special sprays and wipes (chair, work surfaces, drawer handles, spittoon, scialytic) before receiving a new patient. Turbines and other rotating instruments are cleaned by internal pressure decontamination.
A new tray of sterile-packed instruments is set up for each patient.

Hygiene and asepsis
In the sterilization room
To guarantee high-quality care in a safe environment for our patients, the Clinique Dentaire Elysées Ponthieu has implemented strict hygiene and equipment sterilization rules.
Pre-decontamination by immersion in a disinfectant bath
Ultrasonic decontamination
Washing in the high-temperature thermodisinfector with bactericides and fungicides
Drying and packaging in single-use sterile bags
Autoclave pressure sterilization